For free landscapes in the lower Valtellina. 5 ideas to walk.


5 for free landscapes of lower Valtellina, for those who like me still believe the only attractions of the mountain landscapes are the mountains themselves.

1 – Val di Zocca and Rifugio Allievi, a long and magnificent hike ⇐ chick to read

The wild beauty of this valley and its mountains is unique. Leave early and wait for the sun in the high part of the valley, you won’t regret it.

2 – Colmen, an island in the Valtellina ⇐ chick to read

A mountain for every season, covered by woods, inhabited by one hundred of deer and with a unique view in every directions.

Alpe Visogno Costiera dei Cech

3 – Costiera dei Cech and Bivacco Bottani, the wild mountains ⇐ click to read

Places and paths that take time to be understood and deciphered, but which offer unique views and atmospheres.

4 – Preda Rossa and Rifugio Ponti, at the foot of Monte Disgrazia ⇐ click to read

High altitude location with extraordinary colors. In the late afternoon, when the sun begins to wane, the metallic light of the day disappears and colors and unexpected sensations emerge.

5 – Cima Rosetta in Valgerola, landscape 360° ⇐ click to read

In the lower Valtellina every summit gives a different view and also a different viewpoint on views that are already known. 360° is the right definition for the Cima Rosetta.

Small and personal contribution so that the mountains of lower Valtellina are loved and respected a little more. Other landscapes and other hikes in the lower Valtellina ⇐ click to read


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By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.