Spring’s edible weeds and poisonous flowers, in 5 pictures.


Still snowy mountains, rain every day and mild temperatures. You have to wait a little longer to go to walk in altitude. I take this opportunity to “travelling” the surrounding areas and I rediscover a world of edible weeds and poisons flowers to admire.

My vegetable garden is located in the wood and through the forgotten and abandoned meadows.
Only deer know and remember the secret paths that lead to free-food .
Just follow them!!!

Crabby and irritable weed, but from a thousand uses.
My favourite!

1000 names for a delicate and refined weed.
Who as a child has never blown up his white flowers?

Poisonous and edible weed at the same time.
The deer don’t eat it so I don’t eat it.
I just take a pictures of it.

Wild herbs and plants are always in unstable balance among the edible, the useful and the poisonous.
Pss… the scent doesn’t cause damages.


By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.