My summer 2017 in 10 pictures


In short my summer 2017. I’ll remember it as the warmest and sunny one since I live here.

Made with♡ in the B&B Costiera dei Cech.
With its nearly 3 meters tall it was the most photographed subject this year.

Young guests from Germany who enjoy their holiday.
I immediately bugger off the malignant, those who say: “you are always in the mountains and never work”. Here, at least one day I worked!”

Lakes of Spluga, Costiera dei Cech.
I’ve never felt so far away, two steps from my home.

Rifugio Omio, new management.
Well, I’m never tired to climb up around here.

“Census” horses in the Valle del Ferro.
When a hiking is also needed to check that there are still all!

Bivouac Molteni – Valsecchi, Valle del Ferro.
A wild valley as few.

It will be warm, it will be luck… however, for almost a month I’ve harvested blueberries every day!

I spent all day sleeping…now I’m tired!
One of the last shot of Nuvola. The hurry and speed of driving a car, as if they were on a race track, have taken him away to me.

Landscape from the window of B&B Costiera dei Cech.
I lied, sometimes this summer was raining.

Personal SPA, in Val Merdarola.
Seriously, the water was very cold, but after 5 hours of trekking it didn’t bother too much!
Val Merdarola: a bad name for a wonderful valley.


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By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.