Happy Birthday B&B Costiera dei Cech: 6 years


6 years ago our adventure in the world of hospitality began, happy birthday B&B Costiera dei Cech.

Take a moment. @San

If I think back to these 6 years I see many types of emotions.
The nature that surrounds me, the problems of every day, the mountains, the reservations that never arrive or that arrive all together, the sun, the cakes to prepare for breakfast, the rain….have created a mix of sensations and scents that change my life every day.

I often try to understand what the different is between this job and an office job. In my opinion everything looks the same: money, bureaucracy, problems, taxes… but in depth I discover that it is the connections with the guests that create the real difference.
Only thanks to them the B&B Costiera dei Cech can exist and only thanks to them I find the desire to continue every day.

Today the B&B Costiera dei Cech celebrates 6 years of activity in the best way: vegan cakes for breakfast, English, Spanish and Italian are mixed together in a noisy and cheerful sharing of experiences and stories of past and future travels, yoga mats outspread in the garden and the sun shining on us!


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By Serena Dalan

Mi piace viaggiare, camminare, leggere e cucinare dolci. No carne, solo vegetali. --- I like travelling, walking, reading and cooking cakes. No meat, just veggies.