Pezzotti from Valtellina

Pezzotti from Valtellina are an handcrafted product born from the processing of old cotton and wool fabrics with wooden looms… Pezzotti from Valtellina are an handcrafted product born from the processing of old cotton, wool and linen fabrics with wooden looms. The origins of this Valtellina’s product are distant and even a little uncertain. The…

Costiera dei Cech meaning

There is a questions that our guests make us frequently: “Costiera dei Cech meaning”, without commas or question marks. To understand why it is called “Costiera” or “Coast” you have to look up when you are down, nearby Morbegno, and all will be clearer. To “Cech” there are two explanations, linked to two probable episodes that marked historically these…